
One Republic.

I think I owe my readers(if there's ever any!:O) a huge apology.
Everytime I use the computer on Fridays and weekends,I try to update.But heck,

school + tuitions + mountain pile of homework

like seriously.But!I DO have something to blog about today:) BE GLAD!haha.I'm actually listening to One Republic's second album,now,believe it or not.And I feel super calm now:) When I first read about the review about their music in the papers,I just had a sudden urge to listen to them.And,I was not disappointed!(Y) Although I may not be a huge One Republic fan,but heck.I am one now!:D Hmm.Now I wonder,can I actually use this type of music to listen to while studying?:D

Nostalgia photoshoot this Sunday!:D can't wait to see everyone in their semi-formal clothes (Y) ahaha.

P.S Yi May!when you gonna upload the photos?:(